Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sharp Pains Up 39 Weeks Pregnant


CELL: 334.3823948 (Zona Franca-Treasurer )


In the previous post I mentioned some of the phrases that I have been told during or after my treatments. It often happens that I made are pleasing appreciation, which fills me with pleasure: I appreciate and admire the ingenuity and originality that sometimes men can have, and I love to receive compliments, se sono spontanei e gradevoli.
Aggiungete qui i vostri pensieri e le vostre impressioni dopo che mi avrete conosciuta: farete felice me e renderete utili informazioni a chi vorrebbe conoscermi. Grazie ....................

Li potrete leggere tutti cliccando sul tasto "commenti" al termine di ogni post, e qui pubblico l'ultimo che ho ricevuto..........

"Ho conosciuto Monica venerdì scorso ed è stata un'esperienza indimenticabile! Lei è davvero molto femminile, gradevole con un sorriso che mi ha messo subito a mio agio. La sua presenza, il suo modo di muoversi e di vestirsi mi hanno fatto subito entrare in una dimensione di forte desiderio. Sul futon ho raggiunto un senso di piacere divino. Ho scelto Viaggio dei Sensi perché mi piacevano moltissimo queste due parole. E così, dopo aver sbirciato i suoi preparativi l'ho vista arrivare di fronte a me. Così ho iniziato il viaggio. Mi ha massaggiato con tutto il corpo, con un'abilità sorprendente. Il mio viaggio spaziava tra diversi paesaggi paradisiaci che s'intervallano ogni volta che lei cambiava posizione per masssaggiarmi con i seni piuttosto che con il ventre o con le gambe. Poi quando mi ha fatto distendere sulla schiena non ho potuto non aprire gli occhi per godermi la sua abilità, la sua bellezza, la sua giunonica figura. Il mio viaggio si è trasformato, benché avessi gli occhi aperti, in un tableux dove m'immaginavo di dipingere un quadro di Klimt. Più il piacere aumentava più il quadro diventava nitido. Poi con i suoi bellissimi piedini, mi ha massaggiato facendomi raggiungere un piacere che non avevo mai provato prima. Ogni tanto la toccavo ma sentivo che dovevo rimanere soprattutto passivo, anche se devo ammettere che quando potevo stringevo forte proprio i suoi piedini. Avrei voluto baciarli, ma invece li ho lasciati agire e così sempre con i piedini mi ha massaggiato la prostata (che brutta parola per un organo che regala un così grande piacere) facendomi raggiungere un orgasmo mai raggiunto in vita mia, un orgasmo diverso, più intenso, più dolce, più sensuale. Monica, mia dolce capricornina, verrò a trovarti di nuovo. Ci puoi contare.
Stefano" lunedì 14 dicembre 2009 14.55.00 GMT+01.00

Ho iniziato a preparare questo blog circa un anno fa, e tutti i commenti che ho ascoltato e ricevuto in questi mesi mi hanno emozionata, gratificata, e convinta che molte persone possono provare maggior beneficio trovandosi in una dimensione di attenzione profonda, che è ciò che io voglio proporre. Nel frattempo ho frequentato corsi di massaggio olistico e di meditazione........... E ho speso tante parole per raccontare e spiegare ......
Ma i vostri pensieri, dettati dall'esperienza who have lived, are better than any words I can say: My massage technique, which is not improvised, but it follows a path to decontract, relax and to give the sensuality with each maneuver, my personality is spontaneous, are basic components from which it begins, but above all they are your emotions and your impressions that count.
Stefano told what can only be lived as a man who has the sensitivity to listen to your body and mind to react in unison to a pleasure that goes further: this is the tantra, and in his words it captures the essence .............
I had to search the works of Klimt, I did not know, and I discovered a world ........ Beautiful!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

What Is Nic And Modem

ABOUT ME ......

CELL: 334.3823948 (Zona Franca-Treasurer) Turin
compiled some of the phrases that have been said to me during and after my treatments: often that I come made pleasing appreciation, which fills me with pleasure. I appreciate and admire the ingenuity and originality that sometimes men can have, and I love to receive compliments, if you are spontaneous and pleasing

· Wotton - Are you interested in massage? Well, then Monica for you! Italian Brown very horny, I received at his "studio". I opted for the Journey of the Senses: After you have lying on his futon starts to massage you to the rhythm of the music soothing. The massage is very relaxing, very well done! Monica Great, keep it up! (Review taken from a blog))
° Gianni - Your beauty is just one .... optionial transmit a unique sensual, and ... the class is not water! Are you a woman unique. (Comment taken from Adult Friend Finder)
° Claudio - One .. simply elegant .. .. .. unique style .. class .. be touched by her, and not understand where you are .. YES! Monica you are unique .. so .. .. I remember a kiss. Cloud (comment taken from Adult Friend Finder)
° Stefano - "You are distinguished by the way you and propose to do. Then depends on what everyone is looking for: as for me, not so much the sex, although as it is clear that the desire salt, but especially the desire to feel good. "
° Carlo - often attend wellness centers, but not I never received a massage so beautiful!
° Dario - It 's like being in a haven of hot chills and intense sensations, culminating in the fullest pleasure that we can try
° Sandro - I even feel better physically this morning I went running and I was all tough and hard, now Instead I'm just fine!
Renato - "It 's like riding a roller coaster: relaxation rooms, you feel better and you leave more and more the feeling of well being, until the pleasure comes sudden, strong, leaving you almost breathless. And then you feel really good, almost euphoric. "
° Massimo -" Out there ...... But the word paradise! "
ROCKS - At the beginning of the massage: "Had I known it was so beautiful, I even came on foot from Vercelli" During the massage: "Very nice, I've never experienced anything like that!" At the end of the massage: "Amazing , is like living a mystical experience, "
· Giorgio - massage done on Easter Monday:" You're good, your massage is better than the trip across the meadows. "
· Anonymous -" To how did you made, I've already pulled up. "mood ... I hope. "" Not alone! "
° Marco - You are wonderful! It 's like to be rocked by the waves. "
of Franco - I met Monica for a long time and I can confirm these impressions. Mature woman, which carries his years well, intelligent, hard ass and proportionate, good boobs and toned physical appearance as a whole. Start with a good massage and then continue making you literally take off. For about a year or not the meeting, but the memory is excellent. (Review taken from a blog)

And last but not least, a new commentary by Stephen, who I mentioned in another blog .........
I went to see Monica again and I can not resist from writing more about her. If the first experience was a revelation, a real fantastic discovery, the second time was even more infervorante. Is it because maybe I was more relaxed, it may be because the first time I was a little stuck, is that this time, Monica has also used the hot stone ... But this second time quell'oretta spent on the futon was a Rossini crescendo of emotions, excitement, enjoyment, bliss. Monica made me discover erogenous zones in 40 plus years I had never even imagined existed. Now I know davvero cosa significa la parola PIACERE. Ho assaporato ogni momento con un senso di appagamento che si può descrivere solo con una parola: FELICITA'.
Stavolta le immagini che mi scorrevano mentre gioivo dal piacere non si rifacevano al mondo della pittura, ma a quello del cinema: mi scorrevano davanti immagini che mi rammentavano il viaggio interstellare dell'astronauta Bowman in 2001, Odissea nello Spazio. Monica, se vuoi sapere a cosa mi riferisco prova a dare un'occhiata a questo link:
(facendo attenzione a guardare le immagini senza musica, perché non sono quelle originali del film).
Monica, mia dolcissima, non vedo l'ora di venirti a trovare di nuovo. La prossima volta ti chiederò di riempire la vasca idromassaggio. Chissà quante altre nuove emozioni... da non dormirci la notte!!!
Stefano lunedì 11 gennaio 2010 10.04.00 GMT+01.00
Allego il video a cui si riferisce:

How To Get Scorch Marks Off Of An Iron

Clarifications and errata: infoescortnordovest

CELL: 334.3823948 (Zona Francia-Tesoriera)

Sono stata "Reviewed" on a blog. First, thank you for your attention that the author has placed in me and for the overall positive assessment, although a language is a bit 'too offhand, but I can not resist from adding some precise duties .... ...
massage which is spoken, which I call, not surprisingly, "Journey of the Senses", does not last half hour, but over three-quarters of an hour, followed by what I, with more delicate soul, I define personalization, thus a total time of about an hour.
I'm sorry to disappoint fans of the genre, but I do not do anything that is not protected, even at an early stage, so the information given is false and wrong: surely they are sufficiently prudent and sensitive da non rendere evidente l'aggiunta della protezione, ma la ritengo cumunque necessaria. Mi permetto, a questo proposito, di suggerire a tutti di dare un'occhiata ai siti che parlano di malattie a trasmissione sessuale, come ho fatto io, o rivolgervi direttamente all'ospedale Maria Adelaide, specializzato in malattie infettive. Non voglio fare la bacchettona, ma la salute è una cosa seria, per noi stessi e per coloro con cui abbiamo a che fare ogni giorno, ed un atteggiamento superficiale sta causando l'aumento di casi, oltre che di AIDS, anche di sifilide, che benchè curabile non è un evento piacevole. E questo nulla ha a che fare con la pulizia, ma con errate abitudini sessuali ed eccessiva leggerezza, ed il pericolo è tanto per le donne, as for men. I have read other reviews on other blogs or forums, and I noticed that many men are attentive to these normal rules of prevention and precaution, and I hope that this awareness is in everyone who chooses a casual sex, not only with the escort, but in any other situation: having fun and feeling good does not mean jeopardizing their health and ALTU ...............
I also thank Franco for his speech, adding that rates have not increased, there are simply two different massages, the Journey of the Senses, spoken of Wotton, and Body Massage, which is what he chose, and lasts a bit 'lower and consequently a lower cost.
Keep it up, I like you suggested, and try to improve my proposals to give, as I say in my ad, the chances of finding a peaceful oasis where you will be immersed in a muffled atmosphere.
I plan to add soon, but hopefully soon, the whirlpool tub for an additional touch of enjoyment ......
Also I would like to be "cooler", as would an anonymous caller, but precisely my age in my ads because I have found that many prefer a woman who has more experience and Savoire do, essential qualities for those who really feel good and not a simple match based on sex only end in 'the same (often cursory and disappointing .......)
A kiss to all, with the hope that your meetings will never disappoint your expectations, whatever they are ..

By Monica - Easy Oasis Crescent Moon (France Area - Treasurer) - Cell: 334.3823948

Egzorcysci W Warszawie


dive in their own pleasure without being active is a
dreams of the great male

CELL: 334.3823948 (Zona Franca-Treasurer)


I like to call that claims to be dominated by a geisha, and that requires your body to enchant and delight.
propose various types of relaxing on a futon-based Oriental massage techniques: the wave of my hands warm on your body in a rhythmic, Dolce & Sensual away the tension and stress leads to a state of wellness and relaxation .
You'll feel better immediately, regain your energy and balance to best deal with everyday life.
The completion of each proposal that you choose is very exciting and thrilling to the point that you will return again to see me, but in any case, you can customize the completion of your choice
(respecting .... some obvious limitations: See the blog on "details").
not easy to explain how to do my massage, but I can give you some clues.
emotional massage with tantric techniques, only one of its kind, an original idea and an ancient technique for the pleasure of the senses, mind and body, massage harmonic basis for each of my proposals, ideal for feeling at ease, which consideration in your mind and your body are not separate worlds.
Tantra suggests principles that stem from a complex spiritual tradition that I personally suggest a massage that is almost un rituale, in cui ogni movimento ha una sua finalità terapeutica o rilassante.La sede del piacere risiede nella mente, e solo prendendo contatto con i centri della sensualità è possibile conoscere il vero piacere: con la stimolazione profonda e l’autocontrollo accederai ai livelli più alti di soddisfazione: questo è il segreto del Tantra, questo è ciò che propongo….. L’unione di corpo e mente, ed imparare ad accettare il piacere che ti viene dato per arrivare all’estasi che pervade tutto il corpo.Ogni passo verso la conoscenza dell’estasi ti svelerà nuove dimensioni del tuo essere, per diventare più consapevole delle esigenze del tuo corpo, per accrescere il piacere e controllare l’energia sexual desire to find in all its intensity, to satisfy the passion, and enrich it with loving care.
Stages of Massage:
desire, stimulated by my in receiving care and the environment, warm, nice and pleasant
Sensuality, accentuated by a game and meeting removal, to evoke the pulse of the senses, that rises to the pleasure to bring you back to health, alternating rhythmic movements and gradually deeper and deeper
Pleasure, which involves every part of the body, caused by rubbing in a rhythm that is in contact with the primordial energy still present in us, a kind of dance from ancient memory that caresses and involves leaving born inside her physical sensations and mental health, satisfying the desire to receive Heat and be in harmony
Sexual , when the call is expressed in the pleasure of satisfaction to have achieved its wish, considering the entire previous path as a long and pleasant preliminary

Friday, February 20, 2009

Church Anniversary Program Samples

Alkimia club: The condom becomes a luxury massage

Alkimia club: The condom becomes luxury : "You know the fateful moment when, finished the preliminaries is the time of the sinking, well reach out to the com ... "

Welcome Letters To New Hires

emotional - Torino (Monica: 334.3823948)

CELL: 334.3823948 (Free Zone - Treasurer)
Refined forty Italian only selects distinct high level.
fascinating experience for discerning fans:
emotional massage techniques Tantric, unique, original idea and
an ancient technique for the pleasure of the senses, mind and body, massage
a harmonious feeling at ease,
in mind that your mind and your body are not separate worlds.
Take care of yourself, relax and have given away well-being.
Rely on my hands and rocked by magical harmonies
in one dimension intoxicating, full of intense emotions
in a pleasant environment, elegant, refined and air-conditioned
the oasis of calm where you will be immersed in a muffled atmosphere.
guests in private and comfortable you'll be surrounded by colors, smells and sounds that
merge into a melody of delight for the senses, where you can live
feeling of complete abandonment and total welfare
and choose from a number of proposals, which are ideal for those who are subjected to psychological and physical stress.
massages which will delight you, based on techniques of oriental origin,
are a combination of different types, including
ayurveda and shiatsu, which I have drawn valuable lessons and tips:
then have the ability to bring real benefit is physically and psychologically,
relieve tensions with relaxing your mind, detoxifying and rejuvenating effect.
I will in any event at your disposal to assist you and listen to you,
while I take care of you to give you a way to take a relaxing break.
are also available as a crisp and pleasant company for dinner.
Enjoy the pleasures of life, to get the ecstasy that pervades the entire body
requires delicacy, passion, education, imagination, intelligence.