Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Server Responded 554

★ ★ Yesterday

Yesterday, in Italy, there was a large demonstration in defense of the Constitution. In the last year I took to the streets more than once a month, and at another time such a golden opportunity I would not ever lost. Yesterday, I stayed at home.

time ago, in fact, on January 19th to be exact, I decided that I would not have participated in protests. The date is not accidental: for that day had been arranged hastily in a meeting at the Quirinale after yet another insult to the ducetto Arcore institutions and Italian citizens, known as the Ruby case.

I expected the end of the world: the allegations of bribery and child prostitution, so credited to induce the attorney to request the immediate ritual, they would dismiss any statesman of any civilized country. But Italy is not a civilized country and ducetto Arcore is not a statesman, then in addition to dovermelo sipped the next day to rave about imaginary girlfriends, in Piazza del Quirinale, I found a hundred people, very few politicians and a few journalists.

short, a debacle that has given me much to think about. Not so much in substance, as in the method. And I am convinced that the fate of this country will not change with the sit-ins and demonstrations, with petitions and protests. In most cases, in fact, civil society and citizens do not have to deal with honest and enlightened rulers, but with parasites and scalzacani with outlaws, with real miracles that also look out of place to serve french fries at a fast food restaurant. Then I do not understand all these references to composure, accountability, non-violence, this continuous wave Gandhi: If a character like had he lived today would have ended up in a cement pylon. With what effect? Probably no one: after the murder of Matteotti that weight had to uproot the fascist regime?

Thus, from January 19, 2011, I will stay home.

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strange cases

The ducetto Arcore, explaining the great reform of the justice, he shot another of his menate, namely that it would have been acquitted twenty-four times.

On this latest numbers thrown in there haphazardly, Gilioli wrote a post, "24" precisely. One of the commentators, noting that the grimace Neapolitan associated with no less than 24 "guards," he proposed to couple it to 71, "The Man of shit", and gamble the lottery.

Yesterday afternoon I walked over and asked if he had the sense that the wheel of Rome or Milan. Probably I would have played on both, putting up a euro each. I say probably because, not being a regular player, I forgot to switch to the receivers. But before going to bed, struck by a flash of lucidity I checked extraction : 24 and 71, both dry Milan.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Illinois abolished the death penalty in CUD

Pat Quinn, Governor of Illinois, has today completed the last step towards the abolition of the death penalty by signing the law that replaces it with life imprisonment without possibility of parole. The device also provides that the State used for capital punishment to be transferred to a fund for services to the families of murder victims and law enforcement.

The abolition of the death penalty in Illinois comes after a moratorium period eleven, declared by former Republican Governor George Ryan.

L'Illinois è il sedicesimo Stato ad abrogare la Pena capitale, facendo con ciò registrare il maggior numero di Stati abolizionisti dal 1978.

Monday, March 7, 2011

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Beware! The genius of the nation

La somma totale raccolta grazie all'8xmille per l'anno 2009 è di 967.538.542 euro. L'88,1% è andato al sostentamento del clero (381.300.000), alla manutenzione ordinaria della sua macchina sul territorio (381.238.542) e al carburante per muoverla (90.000.000); il 7,8% ai poveri del Terzo Mondo; il 3,1% a quelli nostrani.

È così da sempre. Da quando c'è l'8xmille – ormai è un quarto di secolo – il criterio di ripartizione è costante: mai più del 12% of the poor, never less than 83% of the priests.

(stolen - out of laziness! - To Malvino )

Friday, March 4, 2011

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"Excellency," cried the servant of the square, seeing Franz put his nose to the window, "the coach wants me to bring to the palace?". As Franz was used
Italian emphasis, his first move was to look around, but he turned those words were ... Franz was
Excellence, the gig was the coach, the palace was the London hotel. All the genius of the nation was in this one sentence.

(Alexandre Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo ")

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Lessons start

The beginning of the course, scheduled for 4/3/2011 is postponed to 18/03/2011.

Monday, February 28, 2011

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U.S. widens the front abolitionist

Slowly ma inesorabilmente, altri Stati USA si muovono verso il fronte abolizionista. Mentre in Illinois si attende il 17 marzo, ultimo giorno utile per porre il veto sulla legge da poco approvata, il 14 febbraio scorso, con un voto di 26 a 24 che ha visto favorevoli tutti i democratici e quattro repubblicani, il Senato del Montana ha promosso un disegno di legge per sostituire la pena di morte con il carcere a vita senza libertà sulla parola.

Il relatore David Wanzenried, oltre a dichiarare che la pena di morte non è giusta, non aiuta i familiari delle vittime, né serve come deterrente, ha aggiunto che il "sistema attuale non può essere reso equo né infallibile", evidenziando inoltre preoccupazioni per i rischi di miscarriages of justice, the costs and the disproportionate use of capital punishment of racial minorities and the poor.

But other states are moving on this line: an identical bill is already the Committee on Federal Affairs and State of Kansas , where the gradient was abolished a year ago by one vote to reject. The promoters of the initiative point out that a Supreme Court annulled three death sentences precisely because of judicial error, inadequate defense and failure of the jury and the prosecution.

Even Maryland and the State of Washington similar cases have been recorded: in either House, during the past week, have been presented many proposed repeal. While in Connecticut after veto Built in 2009, the new design has arrived to the abolition of the bicameral Commission for Justice, and the current government has already said that if he was in office two years ago would not oppose.

This encouraging scenario emphasizes the geographical divide in the U.S., which sees the Northern states mostly abolitionist (in practice or not) and the South predominantly maintainers.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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On 14 February, by a vote of 26 to 24, which has seen all favor the Democrats and four Republicans, the Senate of Montana approved a bill to repeal the penalty death and replace it with life imprisonment without parole.

Senator David Wanzenried, who presented the bill, said that the death penalty is a just punishment, does not benefit the victims, nor does it serve as a deterrent to murder. He added that "the current system can not be made fair nor infallible."

Other concerns of the supporters of the bill are the high risk of miscarriage of justice, the disproportionate use of capital punishment against racial minorities and the poor, and implementation costs.

The bill faces another procedural vote in the Senate and then be sent to the Chamber.

Friday, February 18, 2011

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★ A good Valentine's Day on the stone

Scolpirò sulla pietra i nomi dei Parlamentari della XVI Legislatura. Oltre novecento farabutti, Senatore più, Deputato meno, che non sono stati in grado di trovare un accordo per restituire dignità a questo lurido Paese. Oltre novecento farabutti che non hanno saputo anteporre il bene comune alle proprie luride beghe di partito. Ai propri fottuti interessi.

Il mio disprezzo per tutti quanti voi, sudditi fedeli.
Menti vuote, nessun fiore sulle vostre tombe.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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In lavorazione!!!

Delicious ... and pink! We are working on some new gem that we hope will meet your approval: pendants altered with thimbles and daisies and the cutest kitten that is invading the planet. The embroideries are on white cotton Linda and performed one on one, for better detail, fine linen or 16 strands with a stranded wire only. What do you think will be of little masterpieces? : D

Friday, February 11, 2011

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Satisfaction / 3

Quando vedo il sorriso fisso di Frattini penso ad un episodio che mi è successo qualche anno fa e che forse ho già raccontato. Siamo a a Londra, a pranzo all'Università con un caro amico di mia moglie che insegna là. Gli squilla il cellulare, dall'altro capo la voce concitata di una amica dell'ambasciata. Il nostro amico leggermente infastidito risponde qualcosa tipo "No, mi dispiace non posso e poi non verrei comunque". Lo guardiamo interrogativi e lui sorridendo risponde: "No, niente di importante, stamattina era prevista qui all'Università una lezione magistrale del Ministro degli Esteri Frattini: sono in ritardo di due ore e stanno cercando disperatamente di raccattare qualcuno perchè l'aula magna è completamente vuota".

(Mantellini sul suo manteblog )

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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For some years certain realities of anti-Roman are attempting an extremely difficult and risky : recover, "re-semantise" decontaminate elements of imagery, symbols of the labor movement of the revolutionary left and the fascists - in their raids aimed at a cultural melange confusion - have polluted beyond all decency.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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They face the anti-Nazi as culo/10

This Arcore have also suggested a blitz, an amendment to Article 3 of the enabling law on federalism in order to increase the number of members of Bicameralina, so as to allow the entrance of one of the leaders and win the majority. Who is dealing jokingly calls it the "paragraph Scilipoti" and could be included in the decree Milleproroghe.

(Francesco Bei)

Friday, February 4, 2011

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Questions addressed by Michael Renzulli TG1 to mignottaro Arcore:

1. President, in the last two years, Italy has held up the bank accounts of stability, as recognized in Europe and the International Monetary Fund. Now it's time to return to growth. In what way?

2. Many analysts say that Italy is still a Gulliver, a giant that is blocked by strings and wires. She took to politics in 1994 promising the liberal revolution. To give a shock to Our economy now is the time to go through?

3. On these issues she has made a proposal that the opposition said that it is not credible. But behind this refusal, she said, hovering the party of capital, the old recipe for solving the accounts of our economy will always point to the shortcut of the increased tax burden?

Gramellini proposes a fourth - far more insidious - its Hello.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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Satisfaction / 2

And for that, since the Secretary of the Democratic Party in the past was sensitive to the issue of liberalization and, despite some of its inappropriate association with the choir of shouted moralists so much per pound, has a pragmatic culture of Emilia, Bersani I propose to act together in Parliament, in forms to be agreed, without prejudice to discuss exclusivism and a large bipartisan plan for the Italian economy.

(Silvio Berlusconi, letter to Corriere della Sera)

[Bersani, fortunately, has disgusted making angry ]

Monday, January 31, 2011

Lucasville Flea Market Dates

Nanou e L'Aiguille en Fete!

We are delighted to announce that La Boutique de Nanou bring our jewelry scissor the Salon de L'Aiguille en Fete in February! Nanou, thanks to the announcement of a new and talented designer, Paola Gattiblu, we thank from my heart, will have our little treasures to offer the glittering hall Pamper with some hope that charms the French embroiderers!

Thank you for your confidence and look forward to a long partnership!

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★ Dr. Lucy homosexuality

[I receive from Dr. Lucy, psychologist specializing in clinical sexology, and welcomes public]

The meeting on homosexuality and homophobia è andato benissimo. E io mi scopro sempre più ammirata verso quel piccolo mondo gay che sto conoscendo: ragazzi e ragazze adorabili, con una maturità emotiva, affettiva che nasce probabilmente da tante difficoltà affrontate per vivere serenamente la loro condizione e che stento a trovare nei trenta, quarantenni etero.

Parlano di amore, di sentimenti, hanno relazioni stabili, fanno progetti senza paura. Altro che stupidi pregiudizi di promiscuità, di relazioni superficiali, di scopate rubate: quelle appartengono a tutti coloro che hanno paura di mettersi in gioco, di entrare in relazione, di perdere qualcosa in un rapporto intimo, di crescere. E, per mia esperienza, al panorama etero with whom I interact more frequently. Of course, there will be homosexual in the universe of everything, but when you have to fight, first with yourself, then with others, to feel accepted, respected, against prejudice, in the end you come out with a desire to live fully what you are and you feel, that nothing scares you.

With us there was a lesbian young girl of only eighteen, which is part of an association of gay and lesbian youth of Verona. When told of his experience has given a concept that struck me: between the fear and discomfort of the opinion of the people who saw her go hand in hand with his girlfriend and wants to shake her hand, she did not have dubbi su cosa fosse più importante per lei, per la sua felicità. Che ti posso dire, questi ragazzi hanno una forza interiore, un'energia vitale, un entusiasmo verso l'amore, che quasi mi hanno fatto sentire l'aridità di quei tanti rapporti che mi sento raccontare da amici e amiche, fatti di giochi di equilibrio con se stessi per non farsi coinvolgere, di distanze di sicurezza, di assenza di impegno e prospettiva.

Loro, i ragazzi dei movimenti gay, si preoccupano del fatto che non possono sposarsi, che non possono adottare figli; noi, etero, siamo nel panico perché prima o poi magari qualcuno potrebbe chiederci tutto questo.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

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★ If I had words to say Silvio

Farei un monument to the leaders of the PD.

Friday, January 21, 2011

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/ 5

What is more, the decision demonstrates the good fortune to Mills Berlusconi, rather than in talent, is rooted in dishonesty, illegality, corruption of the First Republic, of which he is the son long-lived.

(Giuseppe D'Avanzo, )

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"Then there was that one, the pupa, the one who is engaged to Renzo Bossi who remained."

( unità.it )

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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My stoning

Formigoni says about the case Ruby: Who

is without sin cast the first stone. Is anyone without sin? I think we should put all our stones in your pocket, or rather, should do all who are pulling.
I am without sin, if you can prove otherwise do it, otherwise shut up and take my stoning.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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★ ★ ★ Fahrenheit

Having survived the war, stupidly I thought I would not live very dark days. But in Italy, for quite a while now, it happens even more than one a day.

The latest proposal is the launched by an adviser of the PDL and a fellow countryman of Martock, just married by the Culture Province of Venice: by public libraries collect books of writers who, in 2004, signed a appeal for the release of Cesare Battisti. The proposal had the approval of COISP, a police union.

To say what I think I found this, which could not be ridden except by an ex-MSI Berlusconi today, I'll use some comments and opinions of the site appeared on the Wu Ming Foundation and to Carmilla.

The very fact that one can conceive such a thing shows that the subsidence is touching new italic, nauseating vileness.
It intends to raise the principle that it is perfectly normal to a moral filter, selecting books based on the behavior of the authors and their adherence to the ideological and political will of the majority of government.
One answer: close ranks. Every Italian writer worthy of the name should be self-referred directly alderman as "unwelcome writer."
autodenuncio I as a reader of books. Both of the authors who signed the appeal for the release of Baptists, both those who have not signed it. The claim to take away my ability to read only one book for any reason is abhorrent, and unworthy of a fascist act.
The Province of Venice states that the proposal is "a personal capacity" and will support the junta. But the commissioner has made it so big that it must resign. In this field there are no initiatives on a personal basis. " If a commissioner for culture thinks "personally" those things can not be commissioner for culture.

Finally, in the words of Marguerite Yourcenar:

"To establish libraries, is like building public granaries yet, hoarding reserves against a winter of the spirit that many clues, despite myself, I come."

Monday, January 17, 2011

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2011 Some thoughts on the case of the beautiful Ruby

I find it shocking that the head of government is to defend by such heavy charges - against him and against people close to him - saying simply that they are totally unfounded and laughable and absurd. This is appropriate behavior for a teenager or a boy of twenty, not an adult, let alone an adult in his position. This, however, by a recorded video message, not a journalist who can make him two questions below, and widespread on television that controls and owns.

I find it equally appalling that the head of government speaks to intrude in their private lives and in their home about serious crime and morally outrageous.

I find it embarrassing silence of the Vatican on the matter: those who never miss an opportunity to meddle in the lives of Italian citizens, for whatever reason, they confirm indolent character of their attitude when the middle are the economic interests that the head of government can provide.

as I find it embarrassing that a lot of journalists do dictate the timing of the Head of Government, to find information on its stable relationship of affection: in addition to the suspicion with which time is heralded Do not add or detract from the position where the head of government is located.

I find it surreal that the large number of journalists mentioned above, discuss candidly on strategies to save your ass to the head of the government accepting that it consists in schivare i processi e non le accuse che gli vengono mosse.

Trovo ridicolo che una persona che abbia governato il Paese nella gran parte degli ultimi dieci anni, di cui gli ultimi due con una larghissima maggioranza, vada ancora delirando di riforme istituzionali che era sicuramente in grado di fare, ma che non ha mai nemmeno seriamente proposto.

Comunque vada, comunque la si giri, io vedo sempre una ragazza senza famiglia di diciassette anni e un vecchio di settantaquattro. A quell'età mio nonno era impegnatissimo al Centro Anziani, preso da tornei di bocce e tresette, gonfiando d'orgoglio figli e nipoti perché riusciva a portare a casa pure qualche trofeo.

Scrivo All this before the release of waste books from which to hear the words of the Head of Government, I expect the very worst.

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We will see the chain

happens often, as everyone knows, that when it comes to phone tones and are used differently than the direct dialogue between people, and maybe some sentences spoken in jest, are completely different but when read in the press in the transcripts. And then, very often, in private conversations among friends has one, maybe for fun, things never happened or give superficial judgments for the sake of the joke.

(Silvio Berlusconi, minutes from 5:18 )

Eh si, nei brogliacci ne vedremo delle belle!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

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Di memoria operaia sono pieni solo quei buchi
che dimenticati restano lontani alla luce
copre sudore che copre rovina
le nostre ombre
Taylor , maledetto in eterno
maledetto il nome tuo marcio
dai muri graffiati
le nostre ombre
graffiti osceni ai tuoi occhi di spia
fra rovine di fabbriche
petroliere tagliate il mondo
come crocefissi ai muri
pietre spaccate.

(Franti, "Nel salto dell'ascia sul legno")

Friday, January 14, 2011

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Ancora gioiellini!!!

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★ A light in the dark

In questo periodo di profondi mutamenti e grandi incertezze, per me la costante inconsistenza politica del PD è un punto di riferimento importante.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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Among the confusion

Fra i rumori della folla ce ne stiamo noi due, felici di essere insieme, parlando poco, forse nemmeno una parola.

(Walt Whitman, 1819-1892)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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Abolition in Illinois goes to the Governor's signature

Ieri pomeriggio il Senato dell'Illinois si è allineato alla Camera e si è espresso a favore dell'abolizione della Pena di morte. L'esito è stato di 32 voti favorevoli, 25 contrari e 2 astensioni (alla Camera i voti favorevoli erano stati 60 contro 54 contrari).

Se il Governatore Pat Quinn convert this plan into law, Illinois will become the sixteenth U.S. state to ban the death penalty, the third in the last four years. And other states may follow the same road, with heated discussions on the abolition of the death penalty already provided for in Connecticut, Kansas, Maryland and Montana.

these debates and these votes reflect the growing disenchantment (and increasingly in many cases the actual rejection) of the citizens than the death penalty, with its mistakes and prejudices, its ineffectiveness and its doubtful morality.

remains to be seen whether the Governor will sign the law or Quinn will put it on the veto: stay tuned.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

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A generation of political activists Have Been Transformed by Developed new tools on the internet. Here, a leading commentator net profiles seven young radicals from around the world.