Thursday, January 21, 2010

Warrior Lacrosse Pinnies

Arrivano le Coccole!

Happy Valentine's Day! The Cuddles S. Valentino is a must, so why not give a very special, tutta per sè, che porti fortuna e scaldi il cuore?

Abbiamo realizzato le Coccole, per le ricamatrici romantiche ma anche per chi adora i bijoux speciali, da mostrare agli altri appuntandole sul cuore. Sono spillone di color argento con cuori ricchi di luccicanti cristalli e angioletti argentati preziosi, con una piccola calamita sul fondo per parcheggiare il proprio ago magico durante il lavoro. Le dimensioni sono di 8 cm. la spilla e di 5 cm. il ciondolo ad angioletto.

Il costo è di €. 10,00 più spese di spedizione.

Le Coccole non sono però solo dedicate al S. Valentino..... a presto ne vedrete altre!!! :D

Saturday, January 2, 2010

My Pubes Stick Through My Underwear

Kitchen ... art to your home New Year's Eve

A rich choice of menus: vegetarian, ethnic, macrobiotic, Mediterranean with table service or buffet, will be made directly into your home. It will require a site visit to schedule the functional organization of the kitchen: on the field to verify the practicality, any tools missing, agree on the menu, take note of the number of guests. agree on a budget, then set a date for lunch or dinner.

Entertain at home without friends worry about having to organize everything. Exclusive, personalized services, based on the care and attention to detail.
people are able to work to work even for large groups, up to a maximum of 80 people, availing the help of one or more contributors to the kitchen.
I work preferably in Turin and the Province in advance of a minimum of three days a week, depending on the complexity of the event. In the event that had operare in altra zona del territorio nazionale potrà rendersi necessario un preavviso maggiore.

Il costo di ogni cena dipende da alcune variabili: il tipo di menu, il numero di invitati, la quantità di personale impiegato, l'eventuale trasferta; quindi definibile nel dettaglio solo in sede di preventivo.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Rainbow Wood Fingerboard

edited by Chef Claudia Villarroel

Corso Belgio 18, TorinoTel/Fax:

Salmone marinato all’aneto
grilled cod with chickpea dumplings with ginger
speak with poached eggs and jelly drink Martini Glass

Very thin pancakes with cheese sauce
truffle ravioli stuffed with artichoke sauce and candied
knuckle of pork glazed with a sauce of almonds with Jerusalem artichoke flan

mille-feuille cake chantilly sauce
and custard Fresh fruit salad with Galliano

wines and sparkling whites and reds of the house Eno

How To Prepare Ito En Powdered Green Tea

la carte menu weekly 4.01 / 2010 11:01

at the Free Emporio Gatronomico Eno, Torino, via Galliari 12 / L Turin can dine à la carte Chef edited by Claudia Villarroel. No bookings welcome to my mobile 3466623044

News Weekly:

1. Tart with anchovies
2. Parma ham with cheese sauce and bread Carasau
3. Cream of potato and leek
4. Ravioli stuffed with artichokes and mint butter
5. Risotto the valance
6. Roast pork with capers
7. Beef stuffed baked in plum sauce
8. Small Neapolitan pastiera
9. Pistachio creme brule
10.Boulette beet