Sunday, December 26, 2010

How To Make Your Own Dinning Room Chair Covers

Emotional massage - Torino (Monica: 334.3823948)

CELL: 334.3823948
Torino , (France Area - Treasurer)

Refined forty Italian only selects distinct high level.
fascinating experience for discerning enthusiast:
emotional massage with tantric techniques, unique,
an original idea and an ancient technique for the pleasure of the senses, mind and body, massage
a harmonious feeling at ease,
into consideration that the your mind and your body are not separate worlds.
Take care of yourself, relax and have given away well-being.
Rely on my hands and rocked by magical harmonies
in one dimension intoxicating, full of intense emotions
in a pleasant environment, elegant, refined and air-conditioned
the oasis of tranquility where you will be immersed in a muffled atmosphere .
Ospito in ambiente riservato e confortevole: sarai avvolto da colori, profumi
e suoni che si fondono in una melodia di vero piacere per i sensi,
dove potrai vivere sensazioni di completo abbandono e totale benessere
e scegliere tra varie proposte, ideali per chi è sottoposto a stress psico-fisico.
I massaggi con cui saprò deliziarti, basati su tecniche di origine orientale,
sono una combinazione di diverse tipologie,
tra cui ayurveda e shiatsu, da cui ho tratto preziosi insegnamenti e suggerimenti:
hanno quindi la capacità di portarti un effettivo beneficio sia fisico che psichico,
alleviano le tensioni rilassando la mente with detoxifying and rejuvenating effect.
I will in any event at your disposal to assist you and listen,
while I take care of you to give you a way to take a relaxing break.
are also available as a crisp and pleasant company for dinner.
Enjoy the pleasures of life, to get the ecstasy that pervades the entire body
requires delicacy, passion, education, imagination, intelligence.

Anonymous said ...
Thank you for your beautiful smile ..

Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:55:00 GMT +02:00
Easy Oasis Monica said ...
Thank you, whoever you are ....
Some people have asked me why do not you see me in the face in the photos, and I explained that it is for obvious reasons of privacy. Sometimes people ask me if I am a beautiful woman, and I remember that beauty is subjective, certainly are a person of good looks.
But the smile is spontaneous, and so are my ways of doing things, and that's why I never thought to talk about it, so I thank you for having done so for me this means that the time we spent together was enjoyable for both!

Thursday, September 24, 2009 22:08:00 GMT +02:00
maurizio said ...
few days ago I was your guest and would like to thank you for how you learned put me at ease, for your sympathy, for your professionalità e per tutto questo ed altro ancora tornerò a trovarti! ciao Monica

venerdì 22 gennaio 2010 18:46:00 GMT+01:00
marco ha detto...
ciao sono Marco Vc quel venerdì sera è andato bene grazie a te mi sono propio rilassato sei molto brava

mercoledì 23 giugno 2010 21:19:00 GMT+02:00
Monica Easy Oasi ha detto...
Ne sono felice. A volte basta qualche piccolo gesto fatto solo per se' stessi per migliorare tanti altri momenti...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Drivinglicense Template

New Year at City of Refuge Amandola

Capodanno al Rifugio Città di Amandola

A ntipasti

Sliced \u200b\u200band mixed cheese

radicchio and bacon baked with raisins and pine nuts

soup with vegetables and mushrooms

soup with eggs, sausage and tomatoes

lamb pluck

Lentil and sausage

Primi Piatti

Risotto radicchio e speck al vino rosso

Tagliatelle ai funghi

Secondi Piatti

Cinghiale in salmì

Agnello alla brace


Baked potatoes


Dolce typical

DOC Wine Cellar Chou Chou, Water, Coffee, bitters and sparkling wine.

After Midnight music and free bar

Prezzo tutto incluso € 60,00

Mucsle Ladies In Stockings

Novità: i gioielli per le vostre forbicine!

Who came to visit, has already had the opportunity to stock up .... are a small novelty that is a mix of useful and trivial, and that every embroiderer should always be on their own scissors. Our magnets are perfect for making any prettier scissors and needle to give a place to rest while you cut the wire! Positioned on the vine or on the handle, do not bother with the operation of cutting the wire and make a more brilliant and beautiful scissor anonymous, as well as give a dramatic touch to the most beautiful scissors: will not want to do without it!

Here a wonderful man of snow, the version best suited to this season ...

are limited, the men, because they are only 6, and lucky people who manage to have at least one! €. 4.50 each. + Postage.

But calm: we have many others with drops of Swarowsky! They are real sparks delight for the eyes. Currently we have a complete, single-issue, precisely because they are so beautiful that it was a shame not to make of all kinds and to carry the show. Find and consider that each piece is unique ... And with the new year we will produce a series of theme to be offered to American stores. Here are the exclusive pieces, all at €. 4.00 each. + Shipping:

we only have a butterfly and a fish (horse SOLD OUT);

Sorry, but the sun, the jib and the daisy are exhausted!

we have a flower (bow out);

Even the angels are exhausted

You have no idea how to shine .... : D

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Trace Of Paths Of Water

Geert Lovink and Patrice Riemens: Twelve theses on Wikileaks

"Twelve theses on Wikileaks: text and Geert Lovink Patrice Riemens appeared in August this year on the mailing list Nettime "and extended close to the explosion of Cablegate.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hoe Lang Duurt Acute Hiv Huiduitslag

Editing System Digital Photography, USSR 1987

Monday, December 6, 2010

Nieuwe Afleveringen Los Hombres De Paco De Kerckhove, Assange'',''the artist's web

Free Club Nintendo Pins Joi Ito, the web needs tools copyright

Internet entrepreneur Joi Ito is promoting licences that allow artists and academics to share – and profit from – their work online.