Sunday, May 3, 2009

Vegeta Love Bulma More Than Goku Loves Chichi

CELL: 334.3823948 (Zona Franca-Treasurer)

magic touch:
The most persuasive proposals,

innovations, promotions

dive in their own pleasure without being active is one of the great men's dreams .......
For this reason, I want to give the opportunity to try my new ideas to those who already know me and found pleasing my treatments (and that's why you know me for who wants to try a different experience from the usual proposals and very rewarding)

therefore suggest that for people to at least meet with me to try " Bathroom Epicurean " followed by anti-stress massage at the same cost of one treatment already selected (or body massage sensual journey, depending on the length of the massage).
addition, for all the fifth treatment during the year (and all subsequent multiples of 5) may last for over an hour and follow a stress (massage and personal massage) to the same conditions del viaggio dei sensi.

Percorso antistress personalizzato:
il viaggio inizia con un massaggio cervicale mirato a decontrarre i muscoli del collo, a sciogliere i muscoli delle spalle ed a rilassare il viso, mentre sarai immerso nella vasca con idromassaggio; segue un massaggio in cui tutto il corpo viene deterso con una spugna ed un piacevole flusso di acqua, caldo in inverno e fresco in estate, dona una sensazione di rilassamento profondo del corpo e della mente; si prosegue su futon, inizialmente con un massaggio profondo dei piedi con olio caldo, che riattiva la circolazione sanguigna; infine si prosegue con un piacevole massaggio eseguito su tutto the body with intense movements and clever touches sensual and erotic, yet relaxing and beneficial.
(see article on this blog: Treatments - Tantric Techniques)
The stress path is scheduled to last more than an hour, up to a maximum of 2 hours, and is available only at the second meeting.


There are many people who love the idea of \u200b\u200brelaxation, during which fail to remove thoughts and problems: Who likes to extend its time of prosperity and has already tried the journey of the senses, for all year, under the same conditions, will try the treatments that I propose for the stress path, choosing from the bathtub or treatment with hot stones.

So who chose the first meeting of the Journey of the Senses, and found it enjoyable, the second meeting will then tell the further processing of their choice: The important thing is that you ask me at the time of the appointment phone because both the tub as the stones need to be prepared.


E 'is well known that advertising is the soul of trade, but when it speaks of the need and the desire to feel good of course have the right and the pleasure to do it right choices and to find what matches your desire.

Personally, I advertise my sites on a variety of specialized treatments, and also many people find my blog by chance: for this reason, I chose to be "exhaustive", as I am often told, and in telling the story.

Besides that, sometimes people talk, and talk about their experiences: in this case it is necessary to take into account that certain emotions and expectations are extremely subjective, and sometimes people contact me telling me he had my number from a friend, but does not specify who gave an indication.

I thought that, when possible, and rightly so grateful to those who speak of me in a positive way : a stress path, complete with a choice of massage or hot stone massage (massage with hot stones) tribute to be added to the massage base you would prefer (body-massage or journey of the senses).

I have in mind for some time, when Mark called me and told me that he had spoken to me at Beppe, and gave him my phone number and address of my blog, and when I Beppe then called, gave me a reference to recognize those who had heard the direction and then, not giving nulla per scontato, ha ascoltato cosa e come mi propongo. E ha preso a sua volta un appuntamento...... Quindi, per Marco sono riservati un idromassaggio, o un trattamento con pietre calde, a sua scelta!

RITUAL MASSAGE PER COPPIE - corso di massaggio

Le proposte di cui ho parlato precedentemente sono rivolte a singoli che intendano usufruire di trattamenti che non si limitino all'applicazione di tecniche, come nei centri benessere, o ad un incontro erotico, ma spesso spento e frettoloso.
La mia filosofia, invece, parte da diversi presupposti, in cui i principi delle disciline naturali si intrecciano con la sensualità: godere dei piaceri della vita, arrivare all’estasi che pervade il corpo e rilassa la mente richiede delicatezza, passione, educazione, fantasia, intelligenza e spontaneità ……..
Immergersi nel proprio piacere senza essere attivo è uno dei grandi sogni maschili.
Ma talvolta ho ricevuto richieste da parte di coppie, quindi ho pensato di aggiungere una nuova personalizzazione, dedicata a chi vuole condividere un momento di piacere con il proprio partner, ed avere nuove idee per rendere più frizzante il proprio rapporto.
Il Ritual Massage per coppie è uno “Stage” di carattere squisitamente sensuale, where the focal point massage is not just meant as receiving pleasure, but as a real art to learn to share and discover new sensations, which will increase understanding between the partners. I'll be at your disposal to assist you and listen while I take care of you and cause you to discover an art of pleasure, magic where everyone can dive to be conquered and renew the harmony with the principles of tantra, you will be guided to discover the ability to give pleasure to seek and accept the pleasure that you are given.
My proposal is aimed at couples, without discrimination (not straight), but precise, to avoid unpleasant misunderstanding, against women that will be available only for the massage (without any other involvement) and for men, I may share, according to agreement with both partners.
The Treaty provides that either partner can reach, as well as a sensuous relaxation that involves the body and relaxes the mind, a physical pleasure. Indeed, while one is massaged, the other notes, collaborate and learn the various movements.
As I stated, as far as I can I take the pleasure of man, if specifically requested, but not those of women, for which the partner will leave it to provide: first will be made a full treatment to humans, then a pause for questions and a comparison of sensations, and then treatment will be made to the woman, during which his partner certainly will again desire to give and receive.
for the meeting, which is scheduled to last approximately 2 hours for the basic treatment, I would agree on an evening, possibly during the weekend, which I suppose is most convenient for everyone. The cost has to be agreed depending on the services for which you want to receive: hot tub and treatment with full customization options are considered.

Friday, May 1, 2009

How To Attach Knife Handles To Obsidian Blade

TG3 Travelling from City of Refuge Amandola

Lo scorso 25 aprile 2009 il TGR Marche con la sua rubrica "TG Itinerante", condotta da Maurizio Blasi e Daniela Sodano, ha fatto tappa a Campolungo di Amandola.

Nonostante la giornata caratterizzata da un meteo non dei migliori il Rifugio e l'ambiente circostante è aired in both editions of the regional television news (the hours of 14.00 and 19.30) for those who missed connections TGR or for those who want to review them again here below.

edition of

Edition of 19:30 inside the hut.

Stefano Papetti Thanks for the video