Monday, February 28, 2011

Driver Philips Mt1700-it

U.S. widens the front abolitionist

Slowly ma inesorabilmente, altri Stati USA si muovono verso il fronte abolizionista. Mentre in Illinois si attende il 17 marzo, ultimo giorno utile per porre il veto sulla legge da poco approvata, il 14 febbraio scorso, con un voto di 26 a 24 che ha visto favorevoli tutti i democratici e quattro repubblicani, il Senato del Montana ha promosso un disegno di legge per sostituire la pena di morte con il carcere a vita senza libertà sulla parola.

Il relatore David Wanzenried, oltre a dichiarare che la pena di morte non è giusta, non aiuta i familiari delle vittime, né serve come deterrente, ha aggiunto che il "sistema attuale non può essere reso equo né infallibile", evidenziando inoltre preoccupazioni per i rischi di miscarriages of justice, the costs and the disproportionate use of capital punishment of racial minorities and the poor.

But other states are moving on this line: an identical bill is already the Committee on Federal Affairs and State of Kansas , where the gradient was abolished a year ago by one vote to reject. The promoters of the initiative point out that a Supreme Court annulled three death sentences precisely because of judicial error, inadequate defense and failure of the jury and the prosecution.

Even Maryland and the State of Washington similar cases have been recorded: in either House, during the past week, have been presented many proposed repeal. While in Connecticut after veto Built in 2009, the new design has arrived to the abolition of the bicameral Commission for Justice, and the current government has already said that if he was in office two years ago would not oppose.

This encouraging scenario emphasizes the geographical divide in the U.S., which sees the Northern states mostly abolitionist (in practice or not) and the South predominantly maintainers.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Gallbladder Polyps Removal

On 14 February, by a vote of 26 to 24, which has seen all favor the Democrats and four Republicans, the Senate of Montana approved a bill to repeal the penalty death and replace it with life imprisonment without parole.

Senator David Wanzenried, who presented the bill, said that the death penalty is a just punishment, does not benefit the victims, nor does it serve as a deterrent to murder. He added that "the current system can not be made fair nor infallible."

Other concerns of the supporters of the bill are the high risk of miscarriage of justice, the disproportionate use of capital punishment against racial minorities and the poor, and implementation costs.

The bill faces another procedural vote in the Senate and then be sent to the Chamber.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Uninstallpinnacle Tvcenter Pro

★ A good Valentine's Day on the stone

Scolpirò sulla pietra i nomi dei Parlamentari della XVI Legislatura. Oltre novecento farabutti, Senatore più, Deputato meno, che non sono stati in grado di trovare un accordo per restituire dignità a questo lurido Paese. Oltre novecento farabutti che non hanno saputo anteporre il bene comune alle proprie luride beghe di partito. Ai propri fottuti interessi.

Il mio disprezzo per tutti quanti voi, sudditi fedeli.
Menti vuote, nessun fiore sulle vostre tombe.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Electric Blue Jack Dempsey

In lavorazione!!!

Delicious ... and pink! We are working on some new gem that we hope will meet your approval: pendants altered with thimbles and daisies and the cutest kitten that is invading the planet. The embroideries are on white cotton Linda and performed one on one, for better detail, fine linen or 16 strands with a stranded wire only. What do you think will be of little masterpieces? : D

Friday, February 11, 2011

Eml E100 Outdoor Motion Sensor Light

Satisfaction / 3

Quando vedo il sorriso fisso di Frattini penso ad un episodio che mi è successo qualche anno fa e che forse ho già raccontato. Siamo a a Londra, a pranzo all'Università con un caro amico di mia moglie che insegna là. Gli squilla il cellulare, dall'altro capo la voce concitata di una amica dell'ambasciata. Il nostro amico leggermente infastidito risponde qualcosa tipo "No, mi dispiace non posso e poi non verrei comunque". Lo guardiamo interrogativi e lui sorridendo risponde: "No, niente di importante, stamattina era prevista qui all'Università una lezione magistrale del Ministro degli Esteri Frattini: sono in ritardo di due ore e stanno cercando disperatamente di raccattare qualcuno perchè l'aula magna è completamente vuota".

(Mantellini sul suo manteblog )

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What Happend With Kates Playground


For some years certain realities of anti-Roman are attempting an extremely difficult and risky : recover, "re-semantise" decontaminate elements of imagery, symbols of the labor movement of the revolutionary left and the fascists - in their raids aimed at a cultural melange confusion - have polluted beyond all decency.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Best Tin Foil Boats

They face the anti-Nazi as culo/10

This Arcore have also suggested a blitz, an amendment to Article 3 of the enabling law on federalism in order to increase the number of members of Bicameralina, so as to allow the entrance of one of the leaders and win the majority. Who is dealing jokingly calls it the "paragraph Scilipoti" and could be included in the decree Milleproroghe.

(Francesco Bei)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Dates For Lucasville Flea Market


Questions addressed by Michael Renzulli TG1 to mignottaro Arcore:

1. President, in the last two years, Italy has held up the bank accounts of stability, as recognized in Europe and the International Monetary Fund. Now it's time to return to growth. In what way?

2. Many analysts say that Italy is still a Gulliver, a giant that is blocked by strings and wires. She took to politics in 1994 promising the liberal revolution. To give a shock to Our economy now is the time to go through?

3. On these issues she has made a proposal that the opposition said that it is not credible. But behind this refusal, she said, hovering the party of capital, the old recipe for solving the accounts of our economy will always point to the shortcut of the increased tax burden?

Gramellini proposes a fourth - far more insidious - its Hello.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sorority Initiations Outfits

Satisfaction / 2

And for that, since the Secretary of the Democratic Party in the past was sensitive to the issue of liberalization and, despite some of its inappropriate association with the choir of shouted moralists so much per pound, has a pragmatic culture of Emilia, Bersani I propose to act together in Parliament, in forms to be agreed, without prejudice to discuss exclusivism and a large bipartisan plan for the Italian economy.

(Silvio Berlusconi, letter to Corriere della Sera)

[Bersani, fortunately, has disgusted making angry ]