Thursday, December 31, 2009

Game Fisher Outboard Motor

Menu Eno made by Claudia Villarroel

Monday, December 14, 2009

2008 Honda Ridgeline Backup Camera

Babbo Natale fa gli auguri a tutti....

.... thanks to these two pendants! Ordered by a appassionatissima embroiderer who loves Christmas, here's the beautiful face of Santa Claus:

thanks to those who commissioned many trinkets made by us and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Peaceful 2010!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

My Wireless Mouse Isn T Working

Promoting well-being

CELL: 334.3823948 (France-Area Treasurer)

Promotion BEN - BE ...

The essence of a healthy selfishness is giving himself an interlude of pure relaxation:
deal if it is not only an art, but it is a matter of survival.

Refined forty Italian only selects distinct high level.
fascinating experience for discerning fans:
emotional massage with tantric techniques, unique, original idea and a
tecnica antica per il piacere di sensi, mente e corpo,
un massaggio armonico per sentirsi a proprio agio,
nella considerazione che la tua mente ed il tuo corpo non sono mondi separati.

Body Massage, rito antichissimo che opera profondi effetti a livello fisico, mentale e spirituale; utilizzando il mio corpo cosparso d’olio caldo, muovendo lentamente e ritmicamente inizialmente le mani,e successivamente anche i seni, le natiche e le gambe, vengono enfatizzati gli effetti tattili benefici ed energetici del massaggio tradizionale. Una definizione tratta dai commenti: “è come trovarsi in un paradiso di brividi caldi ed intensissime sensazioni, culminanti nel piacere più pieno che si possa provare”(Dario). Ha una durata di circa tre quarti d’ora.
Viaggio dei sensi, ampliamento del precedente, ha una durata di circa un’ora ed interessa tutto il corpo, dal cuoio capelluto fino alla pianta dei piedi, è supportato da aroma-terapia, grazie ad incensi ed olii essenziali, la cui percezione olfattiva influisce sullo stato d’animo e sulle emozioni, e musico-terapia, grazie ad una melodia dal ritmo stimolante e sensuale, che leads to awaken and revitalize the energy expressed by the second chakra, the sacral, helping to strengthen self-esteem, inner balance, the relationships, the willingness to change. It helps to feel your body and feel with the body. It therefore has a strong relaxing effect, rebalancing and revitalizing, it helps to live in harmony, releasing inner passion and sensitivity.
Foot-fetish soft included in both the earlier proposals, a touch of originality that makes it particularly intriguing to customize each treatment received ....

And also, after the first meeting, when it is agreed the second appointment, at your request, there are so many variables with which they can diversify both the stress path (described below) that the journey of the senses, choosing from the following:

Hot stone therapy, treatment that is traced as the methods of the ancient Chinese medicine and Indian ayurveda own, as the healing methods practiced by the shamans of North America, provides the 'application on the body and rubbing stones warmed by volcanic or fluvial, influencing the energy centers chakrali and muscles, dissolve tensions and even physical energy blocks (the points where the energy, for various reasons, it accumulates and does not flow, typical causes, eg., experiences are not resolved or overcome physical trauma, emotional withholding, etc .... ), also stimulates the expulsion of toxins, healing of the cells, the immune system and improves blood circulation.
Reiki, that transmits energy to the body by stimulating the vitality and the natural defenses and leads to deep relaxation, acting on the physical and emotional
Crystal, remedy "vibrational" energy as the crystals give benevolent act on energy blocks, helping to dissolve and to renew the meridians, chakras, aura, designed in a holistic treatment of human beings, aimed at creating a general equilibrium that will extend its borders in all spheres in psychophysical because it combines the action on the energy body, enabling you to achieve deep, fast and durable.

Promoting well-being:

I am very excited about the decision to bring a new look to my studio with the addition of the hot tub and new treatments that will transform the my location in a real center of being.

With the whirlpool tub,
now you can benefit from a new proposal,
ideal for the more hedonistic minds:


Bath Epicurean : the school of philosophy founded by Epicurus (341-270 BC) suggested as an ideal of life, inner balance and enjoyment of pleasure, made a lifestyle inspired by the search of his beloved.
True luxury is now being masters of their own time, that desire becomes a need natural for everybody.
With the bathtub professional, this is achievable: it is designed to make you eligible for relaxation, leading to a total regeneration, while the body and mind are abandoned. The legs are fully extended, so that their weight is distributed over the entire surface of the tank, the spine is stretched completely, leaving the head backwards. Entering the bathtub you already feel completely comfortable and you're just beginning. Just relax inside to feel that the time you spend with your total well-being is now pleased that leads away fatigue and stress: the tub, in fact, offers the advantage of being a relaxing practice and thus constitute an excellent remedy for the physical and mental fatigue.
Choose your type of tub to capture the charm of sensory and emotional water ... .... Look
purified with lymphatic drainage, a gentle massage sequence starts from your feet and get behind, with a rhythmic movement and rejuvenating. If you want to tone up, your whole body will instead route a special pulsating massage, alternating pressures of different frequencies, with the same invigorating effect you will experience diving in the waters of a stream.
For those who appreciate and tolerate aromatherapy, you can add essential oils, essences which are able to act fan mood to smell, the skin on contact and on the physiology of the body for absorption.

If you know me better, also read the next post: you will find my description, the principles of tantra philosophy, they are based on my treatments, the comments of some people I have known, more photos (recent and real, though not as perfect and without self-timer with little knowledge of photography techniques), the promotions that you can benefit .....

Thank you for your attention and ........... see you soon! Monica