Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Server Responded 554

★ ★ Yesterday

Yesterday, in Italy, there was a large demonstration in defense of the Constitution. In the last year I took to the streets more than once a month, and at another time such a golden opportunity I would not ever lost. Yesterday, I stayed at home.

time ago, in fact, on January 19th to be exact, I decided that I would not have participated in protests. The date is not accidental: for that day had been arranged hastily in a meeting at the Quirinale after yet another insult to the ducetto Arcore institutions and Italian citizens, known as the Ruby case.

I expected the end of the world: the allegations of bribery and child prostitution, so credited to induce the attorney to request the immediate ritual, they would dismiss any statesman of any civilized country. But Italy is not a civilized country and ducetto Arcore is not a statesman, then in addition to dovermelo sipped the next day to rave about imaginary girlfriends, in Piazza del Quirinale, I found a hundred people, very few politicians and a few journalists.

short, a debacle that has given me much to think about. Not so much in substance, as in the method. And I am convinced that the fate of this country will not change with the sit-ins and demonstrations, with petitions and protests. In most cases, in fact, civil society and citizens do not have to deal with honest and enlightened rulers, but with parasites and scalzacani with outlaws, with real miracles that also look out of place to serve french fries at a fast food restaurant. Then I do not understand all these references to composure, accountability, non-violence, this continuous wave Gandhi: If a character like had he lived today would have ended up in a cement pylon. With what effect? Probably no one: after the murder of Matteotti that weight had to uproot the fascist regime?

Thus, from January 19, 2011, I will stay home.


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